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A Sales Plan to Survive & Thrive [Webinar]

In this video (40 min) free course, I discuss 9 critical website and sales "must-haves" to implement during these unprecedented times.

"Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can come together, therefore, in the middle of these uncertain times lies opportunity. "

9 Critical Website Must-Haves To Survive & Thrive:

Website Design Needs To Be A Priority

Approximately 70% of new customers will choose whether to visit a business based on

the QUALITY of information they find online. Your website is your Biggest First Impression – Maker.

1. Toot Your Horn

2. Show Off Your Space

3. Method of Contact = Get My Estimate

4. Call To Action = Generates A Lead Every Time

5. Add A Chat Button

6. Add Firebuilder # 1 Sales Tool in the Industry

7. Offer FREE Virtual Appointments

8. Offer Online Scheduling

9. Offer Consumer Financing

Make No Mistake, you are going to have to sell your way out of this. So lets be honest, things are not going to return to normal. To simply unlock the door and get back to the way things were is not reality.

So we have Two Options. We can hunker down and pray the storm will pass or we can Pivot to different ways of selling. Virtually should be # 1 While customers may not be thrilled about making a buying decision Virtually, let's not forget, the demand for our products is still in high demand.

Small Business Web Design Cost can be as low as $2000, however, for our industry needs I would budget $ 3500 - $ 5000.


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